As the year ends, I reflect on myself.
A thought that consistently lingers in my mind for the last couple of weeks is “Not loving myself enough”.
What do I mean by “Not loving myself enough”?
Too hard on my body. I exerted it a lot under the notion that my body is best when it’s worked out.
I deprived it of a good diet. I always stuck to a minimalist one.
I rarely lived within it. I struggled with overthinking, building scenarios, situations, intuitions, etc.
I was too empathetic with others to forget my own comfort.
I was always in denial mode to ever feel and live within my body. Only the ‘head’ was what I sensed most of the time.
This changed when I re-experienced a meditation technique that I have intermittently used since 2005. A couple of weeks back, I started meditating before sleeping. I tried to sense my body and its posture. I felt like a fresh rush of blood through my arteries and veins.
That moment I had a realization that I should be more conscious of my body than my mind. It’s just a couple of weeks since then, but I hope to build a habit of knowing, feeling, and loving my body.
As I live to be alive next year, i.e. 2025, I will prefer my body over my mind. My mind had its more than fair share of consciousness and attention. Not anymore.